購物流程 How to order (DO NOT USE CREDIT CARD!!!)
購物流程 How to order
1) 選購心水貨品; Select your items
2) 揀啱貨品並按「加入購物車」留貨; Press "Add to Cart"
3) 選購完畢就可按「購物車」,查看選購了的貨品; Press shopping cart to view selected items
4) 買齊貨品後就可以按「結帳」; Press "Checkout"
5)不要使用快速結帳,輸入電話號碼再選擇取貨 DO NOT use express checkout!!! enter your mobile number and select self pick up
6) 之後按繼續付款 then press payment
6) 歡迎隨心加上小費,我地會送俾山區兒童🧒 tips are always welcomed !
7)不要使用信用卡,選擇Payme 或 FPS. NO credit card please. Select Payme or FPS
8)然後會見到帳號,請填寫姓名及亂寫地址 Input a random address... I know... its kinda dumb template... we are working on it
- 因為系統不能更改,所以地址可打一個英文字母
9)成功後就會收到確認電郵/SMS通知。按內容連結就可以查看訂單紀錄。然後請將貨款傳入Payme 或 FPS 帳戶,再傳回入數紙到 95235250 。職員確認後,準備好貨品會通知顧客到取。Email or SMS will be sent to you once order is confirmed. Please forward the Payme or FPS receipt to 95235250 when payment is made. we will message you as soon as the goods are ready to be picked up.